Welcome to the new Membership for Adoptees and their lineal descendants. This will be an exciting support and information space for learning about what it means to be adopted, why you may feel the way you do, and what to consider before beginning a search, what you might encounter during the search, and how you may feel after your search. Finding new family or not finding them will bring on a whole new set of feelings and experiences you have never had before and may not have anticipated.


While this is not a therapy session, this community can provide support and help to validate what you are feeling.  As we become a reunited adoptee, we have new roles to figure out.  While we know how to be a sister, brother, daughter and son to the parents who raised us, how do we adjust to the new role of a daughter or son with the birth family?  Each connection with a birth family seems to bring a unique new relationship and interaction.  Some new connections develop into family.  Some develop into friends.  Others do not end so well.  Either way, you are still you and know that you have friends who understand.